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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
If u r into rock and metal stuff ...just go for it .... i jst love the sustain of the guitar ...
the color combo on this guitar is really unique and quite catchy to be honest and in a way one of the reasons for me buying it. bajaao delivered it to me within 4 days. received the guitar in top condition and all setup. only changed the strings as I prefer a heavier gauge. the humbuckers sound quite heavy and dense while the single coil cuts through very well on recordings. the guitar is a joy to hold and feel as it has a smooth neck and is on the lighter side. the knob and switches are well built. coming back to the look 24 frets with sharktooth inlays. perfect price and perfect guitar.
If u r into rock and metal stuff ...just go for it .... i jst love the sustain of the guitar ...
the color combo on this guitar is really unique and quite catchy to be honest and in a way one of the reasons for me buying it. bajaao delivered it to me within 4 days. received the guitar in top condition and all setup. only changed the strings as I prefer a heavier gauge. the humbuckers sound quite heavy and dense while the single coil cuts through very well on recordings. the guitar is a joy to hold and feel as it has a smooth neck and is on the lighter side. the knob and switches are well built. coming back to the look 24 frets with sharktooth inlays. perfect price and perfect guitar.