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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
The guitar was damaged the paint of the guitar was scraped of here and there because of bad shipping.
The tone on this guitar is simply awesome, the neck bridge especially gives you a sharp tone ideal for solos. Also, its a red electric guitar, need I say more :)
Low budget ibanez good tonel quality guitar. Finger board very smooth.
really i like this model because the colour combination is awesome
the price was worth the quality and its performance. 24 fret at best price. slim and smooth rosewood fret.
The guitar was damaged the paint of the guitar was scraped of here and there because of bad shipping.
The tone on this guitar is simply awesome, the neck bridge especially gives you a sharp tone ideal for solos. Also, its a red electric guitar, need I say more :)
Low budget ibanez good tonel quality guitar. Finger board very smooth.
really i like this model because the colour combination is awesome
the price was worth the quality and its performance. 24 fret at best price. slim and smooth rosewood fret.