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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
This might just be up there with my old '93 model Ibanez S-540LTD as far as playability/shred mojo goes. The neck is a shredder's dream ..can't believe how notes just fly off this thing, such an effortless player. Really feels/sounds just perfect. Neither over dark, nor over bright. It's got enough warmth to make it sing and it's got the bite to make it sting :D Fit and finish are flawless, tone is superb. It's a beautiful guitar. Came in quick & was very well packed. Thanks again to the good people at Bajaao for another awesome guitar
This might just be up there with my old '93 model Ibanez S-540LTD as far as playability/shred mojo goes. The neck is a shredder's dream ..can't believe how notes just fly off this thing, such an effortless player. Really feels/sounds just perfect. Neither over dark, nor over bright. It's got enough warmth to make it sing and it's got the bite to make it sting :D Fit and finish are flawless, tone is superb. It's a beautiful guitar. Came in quick & was very well packed. Thanks again to the good people at Bajaao for another awesome guitar