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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
I am using this piano to teach my students. It's working out beautifully so far. Best purchase ever.
Portable and affordable piano. Worth it !!
Can play for large gathering, best purchase.
88 keys are awesome. "Perfect piano" indeed.
The Korg B2SP has both the reverb and the chorus effect, Superb!!
Very cool. No distortions even at full volume.
Worth the price
I am using this piano to teach my students. It's working out beautifully so far. Best purchase ever.
Portable and affordable piano. Worth it !!
Can play for large gathering, best purchase.
88 keys are awesome. "Perfect piano" indeed.
The Korg B2SP has both the reverb and the chorus effect, Superb!!
Very cool. No distortions even at full volume.
Worth the price