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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
If you are just starting out with a Melodica(or Melodion as Suzuki calls it), this one might be for you. Suzuki is an international brand.
It has decent sound(for the price), the keys are good.
Comes with a short mouthpiece and a pipe.
Also has a good sturdy case to carry it around.
Also, good packaging by Bajaao. Had enough bubble wraps to protect the instrument.
It's a good instrument for the new learner but once you are familiar with the tool you might feel it's lagging, you need to put more pressure to get the sound.
If you are just starting out with a Melodica(or Melodion as Suzuki calls it), this one might be for you. Suzuki is an international brand.
It has decent sound(for the price), the keys are good.
Comes with a short mouthpiece and a pipe.
Also has a good sturdy case to carry it around.
Also, good packaging by Bajaao. Had enough bubble wraps to protect the instrument.
It's a good instrument for the new learner but once you are familiar with the tool you might feel it's lagging, you need to put more pressure to get the sound.