Make your purchase using any Credit or Debt card EMI and Bajaao will return the total interest charged, as Cashback to your bajaao wallet.
Very Good service (Marketing, Sales support, Shipping, Delivery, Quality of product) from Bajaao.
Product is excellent in terms of build quality, features, Accessories, Ease of usage etc.
Hope it will last for duration we expect from it.
Again very good service by bajaao and thanks to its executives who helped in selection, order, delivery of the product.
Very Good service (Marketing, Sales support, Shipping, Delivery, Quality of product) from Bajaao.
Product is excellent in terms of build quality, features, Accessories, Ease of usage etc.
Hope it will last for duration we expect from it.
Again very good service by bajaao and thanks to its executives who helped in selection, order, delivery of the product.