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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
The 414 has earned its place as a classic and legendary microphone. I got the pair of 414 XLII's to use as drum overheads because of their flexible polar patterns. They have a very fast transient response for LDC's that make for an excellent choice in this use case. I have been using Rodes as overhead mics for drums in my studio, but I was just never satisfied, they couldn't bring out the details and the delicate nature of the cymbal sounds the way these AKGs do it with ease. The 414s do that, while retaining oomph in the toms.
The 414 has earned its place as a classic and legendary microphone. I got the pair of 414 XLII's to use as drum overheads because of their flexible polar patterns. They have a very fast transient response for LDC's that make for an excellent choice in this use case. I have been using Rodes as overhead mics for drums in my studio, but I was just never satisfied, they couldn't bring out the details and the delicate nature of the cymbal sounds the way these AKGs do it with ease. The 414s do that, while retaining oomph in the toms.