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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
I was initially looking for a 2 channel guitar amp but realised that I really only needed distortion and so I settled for this pedal. This way I could buy more watts on amp and distortion and feedback in an inexpensive way.This has been a great pedal and unbeatable in it's range. The distortion is nice and the tone knob effectively adds the punch in the solos. The only drawback is it neither comes with a power supply nor batteries but the sound surely covers up for that. A great product overall.
I was initially looking for a 2 channel guitar amp but realised that I really only needed distortion and so I settled for this pedal. This way I could buy more watts on amp and distortion and feedback in an inexpensive way.This has been a great pedal and unbeatable in it's range. The distortion is nice and the tone knob effectively adds the punch in the solos. The only drawback is it neither comes with a power supply nor batteries but the sound surely covers up for that. A great product overall.