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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
nice it has a good tone. better to pick this one
This is a good pedal for the price. But I wouldn't consider it bang for the buck mainly because of the build quality. It's all plastic, which is kinda fine. But you never know what happens live! Sometimes stomping too hard on it might break it. With regard to the pedal, I've felt that the delay is a tad too warm in terms of tone. But the short delay time is reminiscent of a real vintage delay.
If you got low budget, then go for this delay pedal. It will give unlimted delay modes
Gives you awesome vintage delay tones. Good for playing pink floydish tunes.
keep up the work...way to go
nice it has a good tone. better to pick this one
This is a good pedal for the price. But I wouldn't consider it bang for the buck mainly because of the build quality. It's all plastic, which is kinda fine. But you never know what happens live! Sometimes stomping too hard on it might break it. With regard to the pedal, I've felt that the delay is a tad too warm in terms of tone. But the short delay time is reminiscent of a real vintage delay.
If you got low budget, then go for this delay pedal. It will give unlimted delay modes
Gives you awesome vintage delay tones. Good for playing pink floydish tunes.
keep up the work...way to go