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Ticket No:5349455120 Dear Sir/Madam, I have received above mentioned order on 20.08.2018. There is some defect in the guitar. The sound is not coming properly, suspected the toggle switch is defective. Seek your advise what to do further??? Complaint lodged on 21/22 August, but no one has contacted so far. Very hopeless after sale service
Great guitar, love the tones and the finish.
Great Guitar
Ticket No:5349455120 Dear Sir/Madam, I have received above mentioned order on 20.08.2018. There is some defect in the guitar. The sound is not coming properly, suspected the toggle switch is defective. Seek your advise what to do further??? Complaint lodged on 21/22 August, but no one has contacted so far. Very hopeless after sale service
Great guitar, love the tones and the finish.
Great Guitar