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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
This guitar has great chunky metal tones and crystal clear clean tones, and as good as my friends Gibson Les Paul which is worth about 35k. The neck is slick and fast to play, and white dots on top of the neck for guidance and double pearl dot on the neck at the 12th. This is overall the best guitar i have ever played or owned in my opinion, i have experienced only what i want in a guitar and more out of it, and on top of that it even looks awesome!
This guitar has great chunky metal tones and crystal clear clean tones, and as good as my friends Gibson Les Paul which is worth about 35k. The neck is slick and fast to play, and white dots on top of the neck for guidance and double pearl dot on the neck at the 12th. This is overall the best guitar i have ever played or owned in my opinion, i have experienced only what i want in a guitar and more out of it, and on top of that it even looks awesome!