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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Its not like you're settling for 15w amp under 30k but if it would cost 40k still would have been the best. Great warm tube sound, high quality tube amp Plus youre getting revolutionary Ibanez Tube screamer Built-in into The amp. Nothing but a great amp. I got it in White. Leather is really genuine and overall greatly put together amp. Its pretty Heavy I must say. Just looks great and plays Great. lemme say this It is fuckin Loud if you Crank it up. If you wish to buy this just buy it already, there is no close competition with other amp in this budget and combo and power range!! \m/
Its not like you're settling for 15w amp under 30k but if it would cost 40k still would have been the best. Great warm tube sound, high quality tube amp Plus youre getting revolutionary Ibanez Tube screamer Built-in into The amp. Nothing but a great amp. I got it in White. Leather is really genuine and overall greatly put together amp. Its pretty Heavy I must say. Just looks great and plays Great. lemme say this It is fuckin Loud if you Crank it up. If you wish to buy this just buy it already, there is no close competition with other amp in this budget and combo and power range!! \m/