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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Build quality: 9/10
Noise cancellation: 8.5/10
Overall sound quality:9.5/10
Battery life: 9.5/10
Battery, Bluetooth connection/ range is really good!
Voice clarity is brilliant.
Superb sound quality.
Looks absolutely stunning.
Excellent Battery life.
These are quite classic and have a rugged look when it comes to aesthetics
Sound quality is excellent. It's very comfortable on the ear
Its a well built product with great sound quality and comfort so far.
Sound quality is superb
Overall sound quality is brilliant
Build quality: 9/10
Noise cancellation: 8.5/10
Overall sound quality:9.5/10
Battery life: 9.5/10
Battery, Bluetooth connection/ range is really good!
Voice clarity is brilliant.
Superb sound quality.
Looks absolutely stunning.
Excellent Battery life.
These are quite classic and have a rugged look when it comes to aesthetics
Sound quality is excellent. It's very comfortable on the ear
Its a well built product with great sound quality and comfort so far.
Sound quality is superb
Overall sound quality is brilliant