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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
This is a good guitar stand. But I won't recommend it highly. You can definitely keep this as a standby one. When I place only the electric guitar on the lower saddle the stand doesn't keep up with its weight and tends to topple. Moreover the saddles on both sides rotate which is not at all comfortable for me. There is nothing you can do to tighten it. Once you place both of your guitars you can feel secure and you should keep the heavier instrument on the higher saddle. So there's a lot of things to keep in mind to use it. The material is good and the locking system is just fine.
This is a good guitar stand. But I won't recommend it highly. You can definitely keep this as a standby one. When I place only the electric guitar on the lower saddle the stand doesn't keep up with its weight and tends to topple. Moreover the saddles on both sides rotate which is not at all comfortable for me. There is nothing you can do to tighten it. Once you place both of your guitars you can feel secure and you should keep the heavier instrument on the higher saddle. So there's a lot of things to keep in mind to use it. The material is good and the locking system is just fine.