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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
I've been saving up for this guitar for five months and i finally revieved it just last week. As soon as i opened the package i fell in love with the amazing gloss fnish and the marble-looking A7X inlayed fretboard. the double locked strings are amazing for those players who love to do crazy bends in their songs, not allowing the guitar to get out of tune! the guitar also has an option to switch from humbuckers to single coil pickups by pulling the tone knob or pushing it down. The guitar has amazing tone and durability, with awesome action. the included whammy bar can bend up or down, making those metal harmonics sound absolutely perfect. and you can't tell me it doesnt look amazing. if you are a metal lover, or an avenged sevenfold fan, this guitar is the guitar for you. it may be the standard version, but the only difference is the pickups.has amazing features, with the humbucker and pickup optionsgreat quality!perfect for its price
I've been saving up for this guitar for five months and i finally revieved it just last week. As soon as i opened the package i fell in love with the amazing gloss fnish and the marble-looking A7X inlayed fretboard. the double locked strings are amazing for those players who love to do crazy bends in their songs, not allowing the guitar to get out of tune! the guitar also has an option to switch from humbuckers to single coil pickups by pulling the tone knob or pushing it down. The guitar has amazing tone and durability, with awesome action. the included whammy bar can bend up or down, making those metal harmonics sound absolutely perfect. and you can't tell me it doesnt look amazing. if you are a metal lover, or an avenged sevenfold fan, this guitar is the guitar for you. it may be the standard version, but the only difference is the pickups.has amazing features, with the humbucker and pickup optionsgreat quality!perfect for its price