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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
last month i purchased this pickup for my sigtar (its a new instrument made by my self a combination of sitar and guitar but cant play chords) previously i was using a PV guitar pickup ( extracted from a pevee guitar) but it was sound lilbilt hmmm... middy so its tone was sooo aggressive... so i was in search of a hotrail bridge pickup... and found this seymour duncan and its cost was affordable.... but it took lilmore time to reach due to the availability... it came in a bubble packed box ... and inside with a plastic box... the interseting part is ... its sound its really sweet... and the next day its self i played with this pickup and the show was really... really awesome because of this pickup.. my co players n audience (me too) enjoyed its sound... i really suggest this pickup to my friends... because its really awesome i like it you too like it .... thanks to bajaao for making my purchase.. worth... :)
last month i purchased this pickup for my sigtar (its a new instrument made by my self a combination of sitar and guitar but cant play chords) previously i was using a PV guitar pickup ( extracted from a pevee guitar) but it was sound lilbilt hmmm... middy so its tone was sooo aggressive... so i was in search of a hotrail bridge pickup... and found this seymour duncan and its cost was affordable.... but it took lilmore time to reach due to the availability... it came in a bubble packed box ... and inside with a plastic box... the interseting part is ... its sound its really sweet... and the next day its self i played with this pickup and the show was really... really awesome because of this pickup.. my co players n audience (me too) enjoyed its sound... i really suggest this pickup to my friends... because its really awesome i like it you too like it .... thanks to bajaao for making my purchase.. worth... :)