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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
The 10 inch Stagg Brilliant is absolutely amazing. "Mini" chinas often look, feel, and are very brittle. While this has the look and feel (to the touch) of a normal "mini" china, it has the endurance of the strongest cymbals out there. I use it along side an 18 inch Zildjian Oriental china trash and the two go hand in hand. It has that quick, cutting sound with the perfect amount of sustain (For me at least). Definitely perfect for breakdowns, blast beats, basically just riding on.
The 10 inch Stagg Brilliant is absolutely amazing. "Mini" chinas often look, feel, and are very brittle. While this has the look and feel (to the touch) of a normal "mini" china, it has the endurance of the strongest cymbals out there. I use it along side an 18 inch Zildjian Oriental china trash and the two go hand in hand. It has that quick, cutting sound with the perfect amount of sustain (For me at least). Definitely perfect for breakdowns, blast beats, basically just riding on.