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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Hi hat is amazing. I got it with discounted rate. Really love playing it. Horrible packing it was and I was lucky enough to receive it without any structural damages..
I own a jamroom, and obviously investing in expensive pair of cymbals everytime is something not really feasible. At first i was skeptical about these pair of hats, since they're going to be used the most! I must say, after buying them and after a couple of jams, these hold up quite well. Not to mention they sound excellent too. if you're on a budget and wanting to get a good pair of hi-hats, go for these!
Hi hat is amazing. I got it with discounted rate. Really love playing it. Horrible packing it was and I was lucky enough to receive it without any structural damages..
I own a jamroom, and obviously investing in expensive pair of cymbals everytime is something not really feasible. At first i was skeptical about these pair of hats, since they're going to be used the most! I must say, after buying them and after a couple of jams, these hold up quite well. Not to mention they sound excellent too. if you're on a budget and wanting to get a good pair of hi-hats, go for these!