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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
So much better than most similar Headphones in this price range. Plus it has Noise cancelling which is just great
Lovely Headphones for anyone who loves music
Ive been using these for music / movies / podcasts and even recording. and it has delivered.
Works great without any issues.
Better than expected. Such a balanced experience. And it has the signature yamaha sound profile you would expect.
Totally worth it. and its one of the best headphones for the price
So much better than most similar Headphones in this price range. Plus it has Noise cancelling which is just great
Lovely Headphones for anyone who loves music
Ive been using these for music / movies / podcasts and even recording. and it has delivered.
Works great without any issues.
Better than expected. Such a balanced experience. And it has the signature yamaha sound profile you would expect.
Totally worth it. and its one of the best headphones for the price