
Handling Criticism, Part 2 - With Kevin Goetz [Lessons]

By June 11, 2015

Hey, guys!

In my last article, we discussed how to handle a type of criticism that is not in any way constructive, offered not with the intent of improving your music, but purely to tear you down. In a nutshell, the idea is to realize that the non-constructive variety of criticism is useless to you, and your attention is better spent on furthering your career in music.

When I originally uploaded that video, it prompted a slew of responses from my subscribers asking how one actually goes about doing that. So, in a second video, we're going to talk about the actual mental responses that this type of criticism brings up in you, and how to move past them. If you're someone who finds yourself getting uncomfortably angry when criticized or disagreed with, you will absolutely benefit from the following video.

Thanks for watching! Be sure to subscribe if you enjoyed this.

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