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I love this interface. This is performing nicely for the past 6 months. No issues till date.
Clear noiseless and easy to use connection to all the Daw's I work with....... loved it
The quality is really good. loving it.
Best preamps in this range. Can easily compare it with the audients and these dont disappoint
This Dude is very underrated hence always been overlooked, But this is an amazing composition engineering and art. A stealth look and amazing quality
Love this interface. Best in class
Good audio quality
I love this interface. This is performing nicely for the past 6 months. No issues till date.
Clear noiseless and easy to use connection to all the Daw's I work with....... loved it
The quality is really good. loving it.
Best preamps in this range. Can easily compare it with the audients and these dont disappoint
This Dude is very underrated hence always been overlooked, But this is an amazing composition engineering and art. A stealth look and amazing quality
Love this interface. Best in class
Good audio quality