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Installed these on a Fender American Professional II Strat HSS. Am a bit of a clutz when it comes to handiwork but am glad to say I managed to install these without any problems whatsoever. Used a spanner and made sure to not over tighten (it might damage the headstock). Whole process of changing strings, replacing tuning keys and cleaning guitar took half hour at most.
Like the knobs on these (bit more ergonomic than the very good Fender original ones) and these make string changes super easy. Even if you change strings once in three months, you need to try these.
Installed these on a Fender American Professional II Strat HSS. Am a bit of a clutz when it comes to handiwork but am glad to say I managed to install these without any problems whatsoever. Used a spanner and made sure to not over tighten (it might damage the headstock). Whole process of changing strings, replacing tuning keys and cleaning guitar took half hour at most.
Like the knobs on these (bit more ergonomic than the very good Fender original ones) and these make string changes super easy. Even if you change strings once in three months, you need to try these.