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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Quality stereo recordings require microphones with outstanding performance and quality and AKG delivers exactly that. Performance consistency and accurate localization from the pair of microphones is a much-needed requirement. Hence, each factory-matched pair of C314s offers the maximum possible correlation over the whole frequency range and almost identical sensitivity for stunning, 3D recordings. As a versatile and performance multi-pattern mic, the C314 has a lot going for it. The build quality is par excellence, it comes with a useful set of accessories, has a high maximum SPL capability, and an impressively lownoise output.
Quality stereo recordings require microphones with outstanding performance and quality and AKG delivers exactly that. Performance consistency and accurate localization from the pair of microphones is a much-needed requirement. Hence, each factory-matched pair of C314s offers the maximum possible correlation over the whole frequency range and almost identical sensitivity for stunning, 3D recordings. As a versatile and performance multi-pattern mic, the C314 has a lot going for it. The build quality is par excellence, it comes with a useful set of accessories, has a high maximum SPL capability, and an impressively lownoise output.