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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Solid construction. Good quality. The only issue I have is that the guitar body does not rest properly on the back support. It should have been lower.
Sturdy so far.
I have not received this product which was ordered 36 days ago. I contacted bajaao customer service but there is no response. I am not able to contact the courier service with the number provided. If you cannot deliver the product please refund the money.
Good stand for electric guitars. Well made and easy to handle.
Best in Class. Amazing Grip
Adjustable and easy to use in any size of guitars.
Sturdy frame, portable and adjustable. Superb product. Don't leave home for a gig without it..
This is a good quality stand with a robust build. It also is adjustable making it easy to use for any guitar size.
Solid construction. Good quality. The only issue I have is that the guitar body does not rest properly on the back support. It should have been lower.
Sturdy so far.
I have not received this product which was ordered 36 days ago. I contacted bajaao customer service but there is no response. I am not able to contact the courier service with the number provided. If you cannot deliver the product please refund the money.
Good stand for electric guitars. Well made and easy to handle.
Best in Class. Amazing Grip
Adjustable and easy to use in any size of guitars.
Sturdy frame, portable and adjustable. Superb product. Don't leave home for a gig without it..
This is a good quality stand with a robust build. It also is adjustable making it easy to use for any guitar size.