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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Selling two versions of the same product. One made in China and another made in india to to scam consumers with a trash product.
boAt Stone 190 Portable Bluetooth Speaker
boAt Stone 190 Portable Bluetooth Speaker
boAt Stone 190 Portable Bluetooth Speaker
Op sonund
boAt Stone 190 Portable Bluetooth Speaker
I'm happy and grateful
Value for money. Does the job.
Love it. Tiny but definately packs a punch.
Very cool speakers.
Selling two versions of the same product. One made in China and another made in india to to scam consumers with a trash product.
boAt Stone 190 Portable Bluetooth Speaker
boAt Stone 190 Portable Bluetooth Speaker
boAt Stone 190 Portable Bluetooth Speaker
Op sonund
boAt Stone 190 Portable Bluetooth Speaker
I'm happy and grateful
Value for money. Does the job.
Love it. Tiny but definately packs a punch.
Very cool speakers.