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Bridge pickup: fat and loud. This produces a very noisy rock/metal sound that fits perfectly for bands such as Metallica and Black Sabbath. No hiss and very useable Essentially the acoustic sounding pickup. Very very effective for chordal work.this guitar can withstand live playingvery good guitar for its price.I bought it from Bajaao and play hevy metal and some rock on, sound really awesome with my Marshall stack.This guitar will withstand live playing, assuming you care for it well.
Bridge pickup: fat and loud. This produces a very noisy rock/metal sound that fits perfectly for bands such as Metallica and Black Sabbath. No hiss and very useable Essentially the acoustic sounding pickup. Very very effective for chordal work.this guitar can withstand live playingvery good guitar for its price.I bought it from Bajaao and play hevy metal and some rock on, sound really awesome with my Marshall stack.This guitar will withstand live playing, assuming you care for it well.