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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Now this is a pedal that every guitarist- singer needs. All the songs that were too high, you can scale down with this pedal. While still playing in the original key. It’s worked liked a charm for me, tracking true to even 4 notes down. Only issue is, when I’m playing with distortion, it gets muddier as I go lower.
But it’s built to last forever, and does the job of dropping scales fabulously. Go for it!!
Product was defective - did not work. Had to return.
Now this is a pedal that every guitarist- singer needs. All the songs that were too high, you can scale down with this pedal. While still playing in the original key. It’s worked liked a charm for me, tracking true to even 4 notes down. Only issue is, when I’m playing with distortion, it gets muddier as I go lower.
But it’s built to last forever, and does the job of dropping scales fabulously. Go for it!!
Product was defective - did not work. Had to return.