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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
If, it's wah you need, this is all you need. Just as it says. Dial in the tone and character you like, hit the boost to bring it up front and play. Easy on/off and when it's off, it's gone. Hard wired bypass. All good, no drama. This unit has more depth to get that deep rich sound like you hear on many major recordings.This Cry Baby allows you to vary the frequency range and the center of it. It is very smooth to use, built like a rock for those who may play hard. I really like the volume adjustment and extra boost in volume. Seriously, this is all you will ever need.
If, it's wah you need, this is all you need. Just as it says. Dial in the tone and character you like, hit the boost to bring it up front and play. Easy on/off and when it's off, it's gone. Hard wired bypass. All good, no drama. This unit has more depth to get that deep rich sound like you hear on many major recordings.This Cry Baby allows you to vary the frequency range and the center of it. It is very smooth to use, built like a rock for those who may play hard. I really like the volume adjustment and extra boost in volume. Seriously, this is all you will ever need.