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This is my third pedal. And wow what a sound. Also this pedal came in 2 days before the actual date. So 5 stars for delivery
I have played quite a few cry babies and voxes and morleys, but this Dimebag signature Cry Baby is undoubtedly the best one. Before playing this, I believed that the Kirk Hammett signature Cry Baby was the best. But Dime-cry baby from hell beats even that. Takes distortion very well. If you are a metal guitar player, this is the wah pedal you need.
This is my third pedal. And wow what a sound. Also this pedal came in 2 days before the actual date. So 5 stars for delivery
I have played quite a few cry babies and voxes and morleys, but this Dimebag signature Cry Baby is undoubtedly the best one. Before playing this, I believed that the Kirk Hammett signature Cry Baby was the best. But Dime-cry baby from hell beats even that. Takes distortion very well. If you are a metal guitar player, this is the wah pedal you need.