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As the title says, the pedal distorts the signal a bit. But this can be easily fixed. Look up r28 mod for the phase 90.
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After all these years, MXR Phase 90 is still the tiny orange box of magic. Create Gilmore's soul with these pedal. A delay pedal, phase 90 and you have 'Shine on you crazy diamond, the best four notes in the world of music. Get yourself one of this bad boy. Cheers, and keep bending. \m/ \m/
As the title says, the pedal distorts the signal a bit. But this can be easily fixed. Look up r28 mod for the phase 90.
Loved it
After all these years, MXR Phase 90 is still the tiny orange box of magic. Create Gilmore's soul with these pedal. A delay pedal, phase 90 and you have 'Shine on you crazy diamond, the best four notes in the world of music. Get yourself one of this bad boy. Cheers, and keep bending. \m/ \m/