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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Can get anywhere from a crisp crunchy tone to a deep hard blues sound out of it, so it's actually pretty versatile. Who needs a quality amp when you got this beast, I put it through my Fender 212 and it makes it sound like a marshall full stack of Metal! Highly recommend, if you're looking into it, get it! I've never been so satisfied with a pedal.
Dis is a real nice pedal depending which kind of set up u want to use with has got a beautiful watery blues overdrive which really shines when u put it in front of dirt channel ....mix it wid a chorus pedal and it really growls.....reliability wise it is tough as a tank....use it wid power adapter...otherwise it is a real pain in d ass to uncover the box and put a battery behind it....In a nutshell it as good as fulltone's ocd or any other custom pedal out dere.....2 cheers for Dunlop....rnfnr
Can get anywhere from a crisp crunchy tone to a deep hard blues sound out of it, so it's actually pretty versatile. Who needs a quality amp when you got this beast, I put it through my Fender 212 and it makes it sound like a marshall full stack of Metal! Highly recommend, if you're looking into it, get it! I've never been so satisfied with a pedal.
Dis is a real nice pedal depending which kind of set up u want to use with has got a beautiful watery blues overdrive which really shines when u put it in front of dirt channel ....mix it wid a chorus pedal and it really growls.....reliability wise it is tough as a tank....use it wid power adapter...otherwise it is a real pain in d ass to uncover the box and put a battery behind it....In a nutshell it as good as fulltone's ocd or any other custom pedal out dere.....2 cheers for Dunlop....rnfnr