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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
I've read a tons of reviews before purchasing this beauty, with so many people stating that it's a beautiful sounding instrument. And I honestly say that yes this guitar is fun to play and the playability is good. Even though it's a delicious dessert to the eyes, it doesn't sound good as I expected (maybe my expectancy was a bit high). But when it's plugged-into, with a shadow performer series preamp. I think it's quite a different story.
I've read a tons of reviews before purchasing this beauty, with so many people stating that it's a beautiful sounding instrument. And I honestly say that yes this guitar is fun to play and the playability is good. Even though it's a delicious dessert to the eyes, it doesn't sound good as I expected (maybe my expectancy was a bit high). But when it's plugged-into, with a shadow performer series preamp. I think it's quite a different story.