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This was my second guitar and i wanted a lespaul guitar... Had a lot of research... Selected this guitar knowing the pros and cons of this guitar. The USB connectivity is a wonderful tool for practicing. I connect my guitar directly to my mac to logic pro and i van practice and record easily. he nano mag picup is aother wounderful thing which i like about this guitar.The guitar needed to be setup b4 it could be used. Overall a good guitar if you want some good features inbuilt in your guitar.
This Guitar is truly awesome and delight to play...
This was my second guitar and i wanted a lespaul guitar... Had a lot of research... Selected this guitar knowing the pros and cons of this guitar. The USB connectivity is a wonderful tool for practicing. I connect my guitar directly to my mac to logic pro and i van practice and record easily. he nano mag picup is aother wounderful thing which i like about this guitar.The guitar needed to be setup b4 it could be used. Overall a good guitar if you want some good features inbuilt in your guitar.
This Guitar is truly awesome and delight to play...