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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Definitely will shine your instrument and will leave a nice lemony fragrance which will last for some time. It does it's job but bajaao was unfortunately wasn't able to, received in the worst condition and it was not courier people's fault, the box was kept under the ukulele which resulted in this.
The pack I received was pretty old but since the polish wipes were in sachets I didn't return them. I tried out one. It was alright. There was just enough to get a quick round of the guitar. Shine achieved is okay, not so great. I would prefer spray polish to this.
Very easy to use and a great product.
These do a great job even at this price point.
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very useful
Definitely will shine your instrument and will leave a nice lemony fragrance which will last for some time. It does it's job but bajaao was unfortunately wasn't able to, received in the worst condition and it was not courier people's fault, the box was kept under the ukulele which resulted in this.
The pack I received was pretty old but since the polish wipes were in sachets I didn't return them. I tried out one. It was alright. There was just enough to get a quick round of the guitar. Shine achieved is okay, not so great. I would prefer spray polish to this.
Very easy to use and a great product.
These do a great job even at this price point.
More quantity
very useful