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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
The quilted Maple top on this beauty just starts to show how beautiful this piece of axe is ...... but that is just the start!! I have played this guitar for 3-4 months bought it from Bajaao who offer the best price in the country! It is easily the most versatile guitar in this price range and i can play right from soft rock, blues to metal on this guitar. The rosewood fretboard is really smooth and aids for long hours of playing. I have a Boss GT-100 and along with this guitar i am easily able to emulate a zepplin, floyd as well as a dream theater type of sound. The hardware is very tough and thus tuning on this does not change after hours of playing !! Overall a total worth for money and sounds like a high end guitar!!!
The quilted Maple top on this beauty just starts to show how beautiful this piece of axe is ...... but that is just the start!! I have played this guitar for 3-4 months bought it from Bajaao who offer the best price in the country! It is easily the most versatile guitar in this price range and i can play right from soft rock, blues to metal on this guitar. The rosewood fretboard is really smooth and aids for long hours of playing. I have a Boss GT-100 and along with this guitar i am easily able to emulate a zepplin, floyd as well as a dream theater type of sound. The hardware is very tough and thus tuning on this does not change after hours of playing !! Overall a total worth for money and sounds like a high end guitar!!!