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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
You will be amazed what this demon can do. Smokes a lot of guitars in this price range. When I bought this (not from Bajaao) it played amazingly well. I wasnt on a tight budget. I could have easily afforded guitars of 40K. But then I tried this and didnt really see the point for spending more. The action was superb with zero buzz. Needed some adjustment later on but that was coz I needed it lower than what it was. Awesome tone and bends are very easy to do on this. Silky smooth neck and good sustain as well. If you have lots of money then dont spend a lot on guitar. You could buy this one and then look for a better amp rather than a costly guitar and a shit amp. I got the fender mustang 1 along with this. Wanted yamaha thr10x amp but didnt get one :( (Bajaao please get me this amp yamaha thr10x. Ill buy asap). But coming back to point amazing guitar. DONT CHANGE THE PICKUPS ON THIS. They are very very very very good. No need to spend anymore on the guitar. Trust me guys. You will love this.
You will be amazed what this demon can do. Smokes a lot of guitars in this price range. When I bought this (not from Bajaao) it played amazingly well. I wasnt on a tight budget. I could have easily afforded guitars of 40K. But then I tried this and didnt really see the point for spending more. The action was superb with zero buzz. Needed some adjustment later on but that was coz I needed it lower than what it was. Awesome tone and bends are very easy to do on this. Silky smooth neck and good sustain as well. If you have lots of money then dont spend a lot on guitar. You could buy this one and then look for a better amp rather than a costly guitar and a shit amp. I got the fender mustang 1 along with this. Wanted yamaha thr10x amp but didnt get one :( (Bajaao please get me this amp yamaha thr10x. Ill buy asap). But coming back to point amazing guitar. DONT CHANGE THE PICKUPS ON THIS. They are very very very very good. No need to spend anymore on the guitar. Trust me guys. You will love this.