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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
What a great head this is!! Thick, Durable but still has a lot of sensitivity. This will totally be my snare batter head of choice for years to come. I've flipped back and forth with Remo heads for years looking for something that's thick, takes care of high ring or overtones on it's own (without those gel things or tape) but still has sensitivity enough to not sound "dead". I found it. Looks sharp, sounds sharp. I'm glad i tried it, I'm a new Evans fan.
What a great head this is!! Thick, Durable but still has a lot of sensitivity. This will totally be my snare batter head of choice for years to come. I've flipped back and forth with Remo heads for years looking for something that's thick, takes care of high ring or overtones on it's own (without those gel things or tape) but still has sensitivity enough to not sound "dead". I found it. Looks sharp, sounds sharp. I'm glad i tried it, I'm a new Evans fan.