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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
This cable is very reliable, great sound and for the price, you can't beat it. Will definitely be buying some more of these in the future.
I bought this this too expensive but sound is great from it this is so much cool
t it has lasted for more than 1 year now; sound's good
Looks durable, time will tell, the vulnerable part of the cable and the tip is coated and has low noise (almost undetectable) when used for recording. So yeah, good product. Also shout out to Bajaao for quick delivery.
This cable is very reliable, great sound and for the price, you can't beat it. Will definitely be buying some more of these in the future.
I bought this this too expensive but sound is great from it this is so much cool
t it has lasted for more than 1 year now; sound's good
Looks durable, time will tell, the vulnerable part of the cable and the tip is coated and has low noise (almost undetectable) when used for recording. So yeah, good product. Also shout out to Bajaao for quick delivery.