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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
I have always wanted to own a good Fender Amplifier and the 68 custom deluxe reverb was my dream amplifier. Fortunately enough I found it listed on Bajaao. After a few chats over the phone with Bajaao experts I went ahead and placed the order. I received it in impeccable condition and this sounds like a dream! It���s been over 8 months now and I am enjoying it to the core. Highly recommended. Go for it whenever it is available.
this one already gives you a little distortion effect without connecting to any pedals
I have always wanted to own a good Fender Amplifier and the 68 custom deluxe reverb was my dream amplifier. Fortunately enough I found it listed on Bajaao. After a few chats over the phone with Bajaao experts I went ahead and placed the order. I received it in impeccable condition and this sounds like a dream! It���s been over 8 months now and I am enjoying it to the core. Highly recommended. Go for it whenever it is available.
this one already gives you a little distortion effect without connecting to any pedals