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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
This guitar is simply amazing and beautiful the finish and construction quality, and sound are top notch Very versatile pickups for anything between the Smokey Jazz neck to the twang and chime of the bridge pickup also i beleive that this guitar got best neck... the bridge finishing looks so simple that I can palm-mute comfortably which really helps a lot in Gig This comes with a good looking decent case..... Proud to have this Fender American Original 60's
This guitar is simply amazing and beautiful the finish and construction quality, and sound are top notch Very versatile pickups for anything between the Smokey Jazz neck to the twang and chime of the bridge pickup also i beleive that this guitar got best neck... the bridge finishing looks so simple that I can palm-mute comfortably which really helps a lot in Gig This comes with a good looking decent case..... Proud to have this Fender American Original 60's