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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
My first Fender Strat. Much better construction and electronics compared to the Mexican ones. The clean tones out of those single coils are utterly satisfactory. Goes very well with all my pedals too. A joy to play.
Further to my previous post, I play it through a boss gt-100 and via a Marshall MG30CFX. You can get any tone from this guitar. An incredible axe, just buy it.
I have this axe, and it truly rocks. The playing is butter smooth, and the tone is fantastic. It is an incredible musical instrument, which many feel is better than the American Standard with the 50s pups. The Texas Specials provide incredible tones, and the Greasebucket tone controls are awesome. Just buy it and start playing it. I play it through a Marshall MG30CFX, and the experience is truly awe inspiring.
My first Fender Strat. Much better construction and electronics compared to the Mexican ones. The clean tones out of those single coils are utterly satisfactory. Goes very well with all my pedals too. A joy to play.
Further to my previous post, I play it through a boss gt-100 and via a Marshall MG30CFX. You can get any tone from this guitar. An incredible axe, just buy it.
I have this axe, and it truly rocks. The playing is butter smooth, and the tone is fantastic. It is an incredible musical instrument, which many feel is better than the American Standard with the 50s pups. The Texas Specials provide incredible tones, and the Greasebucket tone controls are awesome. Just buy it and start playing it. I play it through a Marshall MG30CFX, and the experience is truly awe inspiring.