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I bought fishman presys 301 onboard pickup on around Rs3500 and I have also asked about this pickup there it cost around Rs 2500. So I would recommend not to buy fishman product from online because you will get this from offline store at a very cheap price.
Good product. easy to use!
In aliexpress we can get the same pick up for less than 3000 rupees. Dont know how come so much prize difference.
I bought fishman presys 301 onboard pickup on around Rs3500 and I have also asked about this pickup there it cost around Rs 2500. So I would recommend not to buy fishman product from online because you will get this from offline store at a very cheap price.
Good product. easy to use!
In aliexpress we can get the same pick up for less than 3000 rupees. Dont know how come so much prize difference.