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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Seems like before you all discovered it, I got my piece in 2007! It is a great guitar for the price( which I will not mention ;)) I have changed pups to SD, notably SH 1n, tuning pegs, pup casing and enjoying this piece to the fullest.It has a wonderful warm tone and is built like a tank. I am not gonna let this one go. Amazing piece
I actually purchased a left handed version of this guitar from another store. I got it for a great deal ( almost half the price listed here since the guitar was two years old and had been in the store for a long time). The body of this guitar is very heavy which is typical for les-paul style guitars. The neck is not a bolt-on neck which is great.Just replace the stock pickups with seymour dancan pickups and change the volume and tone adjust knobs and this guitar can be used for years. I will give it 4/5
I actually purchased a left handed version of this guitar from another store. I got it for a great deal ( almost half the price listed here since the guitar was two years old and had been in the store for a long time). The body of this guitar is very heavy which is typical for les-paul style guitars. The neck is not a bolt-on neck which is great.Just replace the stock pickups with seymour dancan pickups and change the volume and tone adjust knobs and this guitar can be used for years. I will give it 4/5
The instruments sounds good until you plug it in. Tone off the amp seems to be full with good sustain. But the pickups just aren't getting that good sound to the amp. To bright and tinny sounding for my taste and they feed back something fierce when you try to wind it up. As I stated before they will be coming out as soon as I decide what to replace them with. I will say that I knew I would be replacing these when I bought the guitar.I sat the Samick beside the Epi and if the headstocks weren't different you could not tell them apart. Rumour has it that they were made in the same factory.This Guitar is solid and built like a gun much better than my 27000INR ESP guitar.
I have this guitar for about 4 years now and yes, I DID buy it from BAJAAO. My review is going to be pretty elaborate so you'll have to bear with it.First up, BAJAAO's service was so awesome that I still remember it! They went behind schedule due to December festivals, but I received my guitar by the first week of January with a really cool new year's message from them.. That won my heart ! (Y)Now going over the specifications-1. Price- Yes, this is a budget guitar. seems legit for its price. So don't expect to get a lotta things out of it from the word GO. You would really need to settle down with the initial excitement and hype to understand what needs to be worked rating here would be 8/102. Action and Finishing- Given that I have the transparent black version of it, I have had enough to woo the ladies with it. Action is really good if you're a beginner or an intermediate. later on you can go ahead and adjust it to your liking. rating- 9/103. Sustainability- This has to go out to everyone that this guitar is built like a F*****G machine! I have dropped it in all ways that can be imagined- head first or body first but it NEVER EVER showed a glimpse of any issues even after the falls. rating- perfect 10/10 (Y)4. Sound- This has to be mentioned here that even with the terrible stock pickups, the warmth of the guitar can be felt. you have to play it to believe it! rating- 8/105. Tuning- The grover tuners do a good job. could have been better. Have certain minor issues with age. If you're into down tuned guitars, then do go for an action adjustment. (and obviously string change). Rating- 6/106. Electronics- This becomes the most important part for any guitar player. You have to change the stock pickups. No hard feelings to any other players, but if you think you can do a good job with the stock pickups, you're dreaming. Get pickups of your choice and you're ready to go! rating- 3/10Overall- A good st...
Seems like before you all discovered it, I got my piece in 2007! It is a great guitar for the price( which I will not mention ;)) I have changed pups to SD, notably SH 1n, tuning pegs, pup casing and enjoying this piece to the fullest.It has a wonderful warm tone and is built like a tank. I am not gonna let this one go. Amazing piece
I actually purchased a left handed version of this guitar from another store. I got it for a great deal ( almost half the price listed here since the guitar was two years old and had been in the store for a long time). The body of this guitar is very heavy which is typical for les-paul style guitars. The neck is not a bolt-on neck which is great.Just replace the stock pickups with seymour dancan pickups and change the volume and tone adjust knobs and this guitar can be used for years. I will give it 4/5
I actually purchased a left handed version of this guitar from another store. I got it for a great deal ( almost half the price listed here since the guitar was two years old and had been in the store for a long time). The body of this guitar is very heavy which is typical for les-paul style guitars. The neck is not a bolt-on neck which is great.Just replace the stock pickups with seymour dancan pickups and change the volume and tone adjust knobs and this guitar can be used for years. I will give it 4/5
The instruments sounds good until you plug it in. Tone off the amp seems to be full with good sustain. But the pickups just aren't getting that good sound to the amp. To bright and tinny sounding for my taste and they feed back something fierce when you try to wind it up. As I stated before they will be coming out as soon as I decide what to replace them with. I will say that I knew I would be replacing these when I bought the guitar.I sat the Samick beside the Epi and if the headstocks weren't different you could not tell them apart. Rumour has it that they were made in the same factory.This Guitar is solid and built like a gun much better than my 27000INR ESP guitar.
I have this guitar for about 4 years now and yes, I DID buy it from BAJAAO. My review is going to be pretty elaborate so you'll have to bear with it.First up, BAJAAO's service was so awesome that I still remember it! They went behind schedule due to December festivals, but I received my guitar by the first week of January with a really cool new year's message from them.. That won my heart ! (Y)Now going over the specifications-1. Price- Yes, this is a budget guitar. seems legit for its price. So don't expect to get a lotta things out of it from the word GO. You would really need to settle down with the initial excitement and hype to understand what needs to be worked rating here would be 8/102. Action and Finishing- Given that I have the transparent black version of it, I have had enough to woo the ladies with it. Action is really good if you're a beginner or an intermediate. later on you can go ahead and adjust it to your liking. rating- 9/103. Sustainability- This has to go out to everyone that this guitar is built like a F*****G machine! I have dropped it in all ways that can be imagined- head first or body first but it NEVER EVER showed a glimpse of any issues even after the falls. rating- perfect 10/10 (Y)4. Sound- This has to be mentioned here that even with the terrible stock pickups, the warmth of the guitar can be felt. you have to play it to believe it! rating- 8/105. Tuning- The grover tuners do a good job. could have been better. Have certain minor issues with age. If you're into down tuned guitars, then do go for an action adjustment. (and obviously string change). Rating- 6/106. Electronics- This becomes the most important part for any guitar player. You have to change the stock pickups. No hard feelings to any other players, but if you think you can do a good job with the stock pickups, you're dreaming. Get pickups of your choice and you're ready to go! rating- 3/10Overall- A good st...