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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
The guitar stands true to its online reviews. Great sound & build quality at right price.
Nice guitar, good sound and price. Excellent service from Bajaao
High quality product with right price. Right place for guitars.
It is a nice sounding guitar and absolutely fabulous for beginners.
Even after importing from Germany there were no defect marks that is impressive. Good sound for best price. Must buy.To view more details about this guitar you could visit Hops that helps.
The guitar stands true to its online reviews. Great sound & build quality at right price.
Nice guitar, good sound and price. Excellent service from Bajaao
High quality product with right price. Right place for guitars.
It is a nice sounding guitar and absolutely fabulous for beginners.
Even after importing from Germany there were no defect marks that is impressive. Good sound for best price. Must buy.To view more details about this guitar you could visit Hops that helps.