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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Im a beginner and I simply love this guitar. The guitar has this soft and soothing sound which is amazing and sounds very different from other classical guitars. The inbuilt tuning features are awesome and its perfect for me and Ill certainly use it for my studio work as well.
The Harley Benton C40 SCE has a lot of great features, looks great, but the discerning quality for any instrument should be the way it sounds when it is played. This guitar produces the most soothing, vibrant sound of any classical guitars i have heard. The in-built tuner is great, the construction, the finish and overall quality is excellent.Delivery time may be an issue as the guitar is imported into India, and mine took about 5 weeks from order to delivery.
Im a beginner and I simply love this guitar. The guitar has this soft and soothing sound which is amazing and sounds very different from other classical guitars. The inbuilt tuning features are awesome and its perfect for me and Ill certainly use it for my studio work as well.
The Harley Benton C40 SCE has a lot of great features, looks great, but the discerning quality for any instrument should be the way it sounds when it is played. This guitar produces the most soothing, vibrant sound of any classical guitars i have heard. The in-built tuner is great, the construction, the finish and overall quality is excellent.Delivery time may be an issue as the guitar is imported into India, and mine took about 5 weeks from order to delivery.