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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Can hold 16-18 normal sized pedals, comparatively cheaper in price, a little heavy but has great build quality
After searching for alot of pedalboards, I came across this one. It's very good for the price. The build quality is exceptional and it is very durable. The board can hold alot of effects with no space issues. It's the best out there for the price in terms of space and build quality. Must buy for any musician looking to house alot of pedals!
Can hold 16-18 normal sized pedals, comparatively cheaper in price, a little heavy but has great build quality
After searching for alot of pedalboards, I came across this one. It's very good for the price. The build quality is exceptional and it is very durable. The board can hold alot of effects with no space issues. It's the best out there for the price in terms of space and build quality. Must buy for any musician looking to house alot of pedals!