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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
I am very happy with my purchase as it offers me flexibility to work at high frequencies. I use this pedal at home or studio or even during live gigs.
Good sounding pedal !! Can make a normal sounding amp into a decent guitar cabinet !! Value for money !! Basically it's a copy of a nux as 4 !! This pedal is great for a low budget amp simulator !! A lil noise from it but it's workable !!
I am very happy with my purchase as it offers me flexibility to work at high frequencies. I use this pedal at home or studio or even during live gigs.
Good sounding pedal !! Can make a normal sounding amp into a decent guitar cabinet !! Value for money !! Basically it's a copy of a nux as 4 !! This pedal is great for a low budget amp simulator !! A lil noise from it but it's workable !!