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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
First of all when I was about to buy this Product, I was kind of tensed because of the size mentioned and the so called "low price" tag. But after using it for one week, I am very happy about my decision. Like it consist of everything you need for becoming a moderate DJ. Whoever like me, who have some Budget issues and don't want to invest much in starting of this career can easily go for this without any complaints. Thanks To and Hercules for this Valuable and Featured-Packed product. Thanks !!!
First of all when I was about to buy this Product, I was kind of tensed because of the size mentioned and the so called "low price" tag. But after using it for one week, I am very happy about my decision. Like it consist of everything you need for becoming a moderate DJ. Whoever like me, who have some Budget issues and don't want to invest much in starting of this career can easily go for this without any complaints. Thanks To and Hercules for this Valuable and Featured-Packed product. Thanks !!!