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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Hercules GSP39WB Plus Auto Grab Wall Mount Guitar Hanger
Very versatile and extremely sturdy. It will fit any guitar, bass easily. I'm using it for my Mexican Tele. As it has an odd headstock, the hanger tilts and balances itself with the shape of the headstock. I love this one.
Hercules GSP39WB Plus Auto Grab Wall Mount Guitar Hanger
Hercules GSP39WB Plus Auto Grab Wall Mount Guitar Hanger
Very versatile and extremely sturdy. It will fit any guitar, bass easily. I'm using it for my Mexican Tele. As it has an odd headstock, the hanger tilts and balances itself with the shape of the headstock. I love this one.
Hercules GSP39WB Plus Auto Grab Wall Mount Guitar Hanger