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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Worst customer service. defective peice no one bothered to solve problem
I have a Swan Chromatic Harmonica, And Vault and Hohner. Of the 3, Swan is the best in my usage; Vault comes second. Hohner, at least this particular model, comes third. Other Hohner Harmonica Models that I have tried give a better sound, but are expensive. I required this particular scale/key, and it fulfills the purpose.
Worst customer service. defective peice no one bothered to solve problem
I have a Swan Chromatic Harmonica, And Vault and Hohner. Of the 3, Swan is the best in my usage; Vault comes second. Hohner, at least this particular model, comes third. Other Hohner Harmonica Models that I have tried give a better sound, but are expensive. I required this particular scale/key, and it fulfills the purpose.